Our Wildlife
Wildcat Ranch was developed with an extensive list of protections for the herds of deer and elk, the bears, wildcats, lions, and the myriad species of birds and mammals that call Wildcat home, or like the moose, occasionally pass through. Bans on development outside the building envelope, prohibition against entering calving areas at certain times, bans on the use of dirt bikes, snowmobiles and other vehicles that would disturb wildlife, as well as tight controls on dog ownership all provide safety for our wildlife and for the continuation of our rich wildlife experiences.
Often the highlight of the year for families or their guests is a bear cub in the driveway, or a new born elk calf in the yard, or a child’s first fish she caught herself.
The myriad of wildlife shown here (and throughout this website) was photographed within Wildcat Ranch. There are many more photos of our fauna and flora on the Gallery page.